CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (CBS19 NEWS) -- With the forecast filled with sunshine, this week may be rough on some who face spring allergies. 

“If you are allergic to tree pollen, now is your season,” UVA Health Allergist Jeff Wilson said.

Wilson says central Virginia is at its peak for tree pollen to be in the air. 

“We get into March and April and that is the prime time for trees to be pollinating and that tree pollen is one of the major allergens that causes people to have those allergy symptoms,” 

And Executive Director of the Botanical Garden of the Piedmont Jill Trischman-Marks says locally, we have multiple tree species that produce a lot of pollen. 

“The yellow pollen that I see on my car is pine pollen, but you can also experience oak, sweet gum and birch trees; those are the heavy pollinators right now,” Trischman-Marks said. 

And according to invasive species management organization Blue Ridge PRISM, even invasive plants that may not be a direct cause of your itchy eyes and runny nose, can play a part too. 

“They’re blooming. They are proliferating, there are more of them and they are moving around the pollen in just larger quantities,” Director of Communications at Blue Ridge PRISM Rowena Zimmermann said. 

But as we reach peak tree pollen season, there are some ways to manage your symptoms. 

“If it’s a dry windy day and it's in the spring, that may be a good day to maybe minimize your outdoor exposure,” Wilson said. 

And if you need something a little stronger your local pharmacy may have a fix as well. 

“You can take medications. A lot of the medications these days are over the counter and that can be antihistamines like Claritin, Allegra or Zyrtec,” Wilson said. 

The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America specifically designates March through May as tree pollen season, and when you may think you're in the clear, grass pollen season will be getting started and running through later summer months.