CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va (CBS19 News) -- Just imagine if the average lifespan of a human was 100 years old. UVA scientists have discovered an anti-aging detox approach that may help humans live longer.

The group was actually studying something different, but made an unexpected find. They came across a promising approach that they say could delay aging by getting rid of harmful by-products of fat that build over time.

"It is important that we continue finding basic science because that's where the discoveries and transformative changes come from," said UVA researcher Dr. Eyleen O’Rourke.

Basic science is what O’Rourke says lead her and a team to an unexpected discovery.

"We are like, 'okay there must be something here we haven't seen before,’" said O’Rourke.

While studying another hypothesis with expected results, the group came across something else: a promising approach that they say could delay aging by getting rid of harmful by-products of fat that build over time.

"We are interested in aging and slowing down aging. Not necessarily to make people live 150 or 200 years, but to extend the amount of years that we are healthy," said O’Rourke.

Staying faithful to her thought on basic science, O’Rourke began studying simple organisms, before complex ones, that have similar genetic makeup as humans like worms. 

"Worms and humans share around 85%. Sometimes I like to say that we are, like, 85% worm," said O’Rourke.

Prior aging research suggests that the key to extending lifespan was to initiate a process called autophagy, a process where cells recycle already-existing energy resources within the cell wall.

But, with the worms, O’Rourke found that isn't necessary.

By taking advantage of another mechanism called AMAR, they found that they could start an anti-aging response by putting spurs to a particular gene which would prompt it to make a specific enzyme that prevents the toxicity of the by-products, leading to a healthier and longer life.

"I think it's reasonable to think that with the genome of humans has the capacity to allow us to live 50% longer," said O’Rourke.

 AMAR may offer a way to get rid of toxicity from fat and improve our health, but it could maybe help us shed some extra pounds, too.