CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (CBS19 NEWS) -- Since it was posted, 34 million people, and counting, have watched the Charlottesville Police Department play basketball with some neighborhood kids, and it’s done more than just be a moment on social media for people to like. 

CPD has been making relationships in the community for generations, but three officers recently found a way to better those existing and new relationships, through the sport of basketball.

“We saw them playing out here and I just decided to get out of my car,” said Michael Darby, a police officer with Charlottesville Police Department.

What started as a little two-on-two action turned into a competitive and fun way to engage with the community.

“I think just building trust within our community, so that when we do have to do calls related to our work, it’s easier for everybody and we can serve the community the best that they need,” said Sydney Love-Baker, a police officer with Charlottesville Police Department. 

And it’s not just about playing basketball. These officers are able to have meaningful conversations with the community they are protecting.

“I think it does a good thing for the community, it shows that we’re people too and that we like to get out and play basketball, while engaging with the community,” said Darby. 

The officers are playing against some tough competition, but that doesn’t stop them from practicing and having fun.

“The record is not great, I think a rematch would probably be good,” said Love-Baker. 

In the future, CPD hopes to continue doing small things like this to make the community feel protected, and maybe practice some more layups.

“I think we’re all equal players,” said Darby.     

These games typically take place every day on 11th Street NW.