CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (CBS19 NEWS) -- A local orthodontist has made a huge donation to Bennett's Village accessible tree house project.

Mill Creek Orthodontics gave Bennett's Village a $25,000 sponsorship. The Perry Foundation matched it.  

Bennett's Village recently opened an accessible playground for children of all abilities in Pen Park. Their next project is an accessible tree house behind playground that will extend into the tree canopy.

Dr. Markus Niepraschk from Mill Creek says this is a way to give back to the community that supports his practice.

"He's all about creating smiles, so he knows that having a playground where every child can play, and even adults, that they're going to have smiles on their faces doing those things," MacKenzie Smith said.

Dr. Niepraschk also has a son with disabilities and will use the tree house when it's ready.